These images are just a small part of the graphics I have created throughout my career. My college degree is in Broadcast Communications (I could now ask for the diploma that simply says Communications, because the degree/courses have changed over time.). Starting my career in broadcasting, I learned to create lower thirds (graphics on the bottom of the screen that say things like “Tonight at 10 p.m.”) and motion graphics for commercials. These skills evolved when there was no graphic designer in the office at 2 a.m. or the graphic designer left for employment elsewhere. I then started hanging out in print shops (Capital Blueprint/a local print shop and with Matt Craig, Printer for the Illinois State Treasurer), and I learned everything I could about the printing processes, bleed room, and whatnot to make myself more of a “Creative Swiss Army knife”.

Copyright © 2022

All content on owned by Travis Collins and/or the entities he has worked for.